Gray Pubic Hair: How to Get Rid, Causes before Head & at Young Age
Can you get gray pubic hair? Both men and women may get their pubic hair turning gray even before the head, some at an early age (prematurely), while others as a sign of aging. Here are details on the causes and how to get rid of gray hair in the pubic area.
Do Pubic Hairs go Gray?
Yes, the pubic hair, just like any other hair on your body turns grey with age. In some cases, it may turn gray prematurely. Most people find their first gray hair by the time they turn 35, normally at the temples, then later, across the scalp. While most people find the salt being appealing, others go to the lengths so as to conceal the locks.
The gray hair “rule” is that by the age of 50, half of the population have lost color in 45% of their hair. When researchers tested the rule, they discovered that about 70% of people who are aged between 40 and 65 had elements of gray hair, with an average intensity of 30%.
Generally, men experience more gray hair than the women. Asians as well as the Africans have much less gray hair than the Caucasians.
Why do I have grey pubic hair before Head
What does it mean when you have grey pubic hair? Gray hair is an indication of aging which impacts virtually every other person at some point. Gray hair can be brought about by stress, a poor diet, hereditary factors and also the decrease in melanocytes. Over time, the hair on any part of the body is able to turn gray. Thus, although it might take longer period of time than the hair found elsewhere, the pubic hair may also ultimately change color to gray.
Decrease of Melanocytes
The doctors notes that the hair turns gray and also loses its natural color when the hair follicles stop producing a pigment that is called the melanin. Melanin, or specifically melanocytes, is the pigment that determines the color of the skin and hair. Age, genetics, pollution as well as the use of chemicals can hinder the production of melanin.
Hair grows in a bulb-like tube on the scalp. The average head normally has about 100,000 to 150,000 follicles, each of them operating very much independent from others. Hair in its unpigmented state is normally white. It gets the color from melanin, which is a pigment that also assists to determine the skin color.
Two types of melanin, eumelanin (dark brown or even black) and also the phaeomelanin (reddish yellow), normally combine so as to make all hair colors. One of the hypothesis as for why the hair goes gray indicates that aging slows or even stops hair from accessing melanin, so it comes out to be gray, silver, or even white instead.
Hereditary Factors
The doctors reports that having gray pubic hair is normally a predetermined genetic condition. When a person is born, the genes are already there for when and how hair will be able to turn gray. This also includes experiencing premature pubic graying—people who gray before the age of 30 usually do so since it also runs in their family.
For most of the people, graying starts mostly in about 35. Dermatologists go by the knowledge of the 50/50/50 rule: by age 50, half the population is able to have at least 50 percent gray pubic hair—although a survey indicated that number was lower, with only 7 to 24 percent of people half gray by the age of 50.
Poor Diet
A lack of protein or even a deficiency in having Vitamin B12 has been linked to premature gray pubic hair. A healthy and nourishing diet may potentially delay development of the graying hair.
It has been debated whether or not stress is able to lead to gray pubic hair. Some of the medical professionals believe there is a very strong connection that exists between the premature gray hair and also the stress.
Conversely, other doctors also indicate that there is nothing that exists to indicate premature gray pubic hair is related to the stress. Other researchers indicate that stress is not an origin of the gray pubic hair, unless anxiety is so serious that the supply of B vitamins in the body is diminished.
While some doctors say that genes alone are very much responsible for the gray hair, others say that there is a connection that exists between graying and also stress, just that there is no direct link to prove it.
Some studies have discovered that long-term productions of body’s fight or flight response—the ability to mobilize energy instinctively in response to any threatening situation—is able to damage the DNA and lead to premature aging, which includes graying hair.
The study further notes that there is no given evidence that says smoking triggers the premature graying. But, research has found smoking to be linked to the premature aging. Gray hair naturally develops as the body ages. Thus, since smoking increases the aging process, avoiding the use of nicotine is a logical way that can be used to slow down the development of gray pubic hair.
Multiple research have linked smoking to the premature aging, a process which includes early graying. A study has found that there is a high relationship that exists between smoking and gray pubic hair in people who are under 30. In fact, smokers were said to be three and half times more prone to develop hair graying than non-smokers or experiencing of premature gray pubic hair.
Hair May Bleach Itself from the Inside Out
New research also reveals that gray pubic hair might emanate from a build-up of hydrogen peroxide that is in the hair cell, which leads to the hair to bleach itself on the inside part. Cells naturally have a smaller amount of hydrogen peroxide inside, but it’s kept in check by an enzyme known as the catalase, which usually converts hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and also water.
As we get old, the body usually produces less amount of catalase, so that the hydrogen peroxide builds up and blocks the normal synthesis of melanin, which is the natural pigment in hair. Thus the gray pubic hair, giving a new meaning to phrase “peroxide blonde.”
Race is also a Factor
In a related matter, race also largely determines the time when a person is likely to have gray puvic hair. In general, Caucasians usually gray in their mid-30s, Asians have gray hair in their late-30s, and then African Americans normally gray in their 40s.
There is a myth which explains that a major shock can lead to the hair to suddenly turn gray. This is sometimes known as the Marie Antoinette Syndrome since the French queen’s hair is said to have turned white the day before she was beheaded.
But the gray pubic hair, once grown, doesn’t change color, so waking up with pubes that is white isn’t going to occur. Although there is also a very rare condition where all the colored hairs are able to fall out, thus leaving only the white hairs behind.
Grey Pubes at a Young Age
- Your hair turns gray when color-producing cells stop producing pigment.
When the body stops to produce the melanin, which is a pigment that is found in the hair follicle at the early 30s, the hair goes gray, as explained by most of the doctors or the dermatologists.
Another factor that might able to contribute to gray pubic hair is buildup of hydrogen peroxide that is in the hair. As you grow older, the enzyme known as the catalase which is used to break down hydrogen peroxide also diminishes. This leaves the hair to be bleached by hydrogen peroxide.
- Premature graying is largely linked to genetics.
Premature graying is all found in genes. Or in other words, if parents and grandparents went gray at early years, then you probably will also. When we are born the bodies are already programmed with information to start the process.
This explains the reason why some other people go gray as early as age 25, while others don’t see their first silver strand until they have reached the age of 50. Doctors further indicated that genetics not only play a vital role in the onset of gray pubic hair, but they also determine the progress, intensity as well as the gray, silver or even the white color.
- Ethnicity and gender play a role in going gray, too.
Caucasians are said to start having gray pubic hair in their mid-30’s, Asians in late 30’s and African Americans in 40’s, according to a research analysis that was published in The Dermatologist.
On average, 50 percent of the population will have 50 percent gray hair by the age of 50 as indi ated by the report. Gender also seems to play a very crucial role also: Men are said to start graying closer to 30, while the women begin to notice some gray hairs around 35.
- In rare cases, going gray may present itself as a medical condition.
Having gray pubic hair is a natural process and it is only in the rare circumstances should the process raise a red flag. Medically speaking, having gray pubic could potentially be linked with a vitamin B-12 deficiency, vitiligo or even the issues to do with the pituitary or even the thyroid gland.
- 5. Smoking can increase odds of getting gray hair.
Studies have indicated that a significant correlation exists between smoking and onset of gray pubic hair before the age of 30. A 2010 research that was published in National Center for Biotechnology Information indicated that smokers are more likely to develop premature gray pubic hair than the non-smokers.
Not only has the smoking been associated with premature gray pubic hair, but also to the baldness. The chemicals that are found in smoke are able to break down the hair cells and thus damage hair.
- Stress may or may not have a negative effect on hair.
There is no clear evidence however which indicates that life trauma leads to premature graying, according to Scientific American. But some doctors say that stress hormones might affect the melanocytes (which are the melanin-producing cells) in the hair, thus urging gray growth.
No one turns to having gray pubic hair overnight, but stress might lead to shedding of the hairs quickly,”. That said, it’s very much unlikely that only the dark ones fall out preferentially.
- Gray hair does not signify a shorter life span.
Good news is that all studies agree that early onset gray pubic hair does not imply that somebody will have a shorter life span. There is no clinical evidence to indicate that graying affects the longevity, or is any indication of the life expectancy.
A 1998 Danish study spanning 20,000 men and women, which was published in Journals of Gerontology and also cited by The New York Times, found that there was no correlation that existed between the mortality and extent of graying of the hair in either of the sexes, irrespective of the age.
- Typically, body hair grays later than hair on the scalp.
The hairs of the body, chest and pubic area gray at a very different rate than the ones on the scalp. In several people, body hair normally happens later, if at all.
How to Get Rid of Gray Pubic or Bikini Hair
Before you try the indicated home remedies, you should ensure that you have trimmed the hair using a razor. Even if you are opting to having a homemade wax recipe, then you should trim it. It is also important that you do patch test so as to see if you might experience an allergic reaction to any of the remedies in removing gray pubic hair.
A Sugar Mix
In a bowl add about 4tbsp of sugar, 1 lemon juice and some honey. Mix all the ingredients together to make a single application. Use the mixture on the pubic zone and in a reverse manner try weakening the pubic hair. This is said to be the best natural way or a home remedy that is used to get rid of the gray pubic hair.
A Besan Application
All you are required to have is 1 cup of besan, salt and a little amount of water. Use the combination everyday till gray pubic hair weakens in the zone. This application takes a long time in removal, but it contains no side effects.
Honey & Sugar Treat
This particular home remedy can work for the people who don’t have the coarse hair. Mix about 2 tbsp of honey in 2 tbsp of sugar. Combine the ingredients and then use it on the pubic zone. Use a strip so as to wax the hair.
Aloe Vera Wax
Aloe vera and some amount of honey is normally mixed together. This kind of application is made hot. When it is luke warm apply the mixture on the pubic zone and use a strip so as to wax the gray pubic hair. This is one of the best remedies that can be used to get rid of the gray pubic hair with ease.
Honey and Lemon
If you are much prone to getting boils especially in the area, then use lemon so ads to prevent the problem. In a bowl, add some amount of honey and lemon, make the ingredients to be very warm and then use it as a wax to get rid of the pubic hair. It is better to use the application after a first shave.
Potato & Lentil Mix
Make a combination of the potato pulp and also the lentil powder. Add a little amount of honey to the mixture and heat together. The mixture can then be thick, right to use it as wax to get rid of the gray pubic hair. This is one of the best remedies.
Oatmeal & Honey
If you want to apply only home remedies to get rid of the gray pubic hair, then this is one of the best available options. Oatmeal and some amount of honey is made into a mixture and used as a homemade wax to get rid of the unwanted hair on the pubic region.
What do gray pubic hairs look like?
To have a refined, silver-haired beauty, is perfectly acceptable with age. But the grey hair might sometimes besiege the bonces of the young, occurring normally during teenage years.

This all begins begin life with somebody having white hair, which gets its natural color just before being born because of the formation of the pigment known as the melanin. This then gives us our beautiful colored flowing locks, which normally turn to grey at about the age of 35-50 as part the genetic inheritance.
Premature greying is a symptom of undergoing premature ageing syndromes, but there are several other reasons on why it happens, like genetic or even the hormonal factors; external reasons, like climate, pollutants as well as the toxins; or even an underlying medical condition, like poliosis, which leads to localized patches of the white hair, or even the skin condition called the vitiligo.
Get checked by the doctor if you’re worried. Otherwise, you may either go grey gracefully or also reach for a mahogany hair colour.
How does hair color look like?
Hair color is usually produced by cells called the melanocytes, which usually migrate into the hair bulb as the hair follicles develop. The cells then produce pigment which is then incorporated into the growing fibers so as to produce hair in an array of natural shades.
Hair color usually depends much on the presence and also the ratios of two groups of melanins: eumelanins (brown and black pigments) and also the pheomelanins (yellow pigments). While variations in ratio of the pigments is able to produce a larger number of colors and also the tones, siblings normally have similar hair color.
Hair color varies according to the body site, with the eyelashes normally being the darkest since they contain higher levels of the eumalanin. Scalp hair is normally lighter than the pubic hair, which has a red tinge, due to the presence of large phaeomelanin pigments. A red tinge is also much common in underarm and also the beard hair, even among the people who have essentially brown hair on the scalp.
Hormones like the melanocyte-stimulating hormone are able to darken the light hair, as high levels of estrogen and also the progesterone that are produced during pregnancy. Some of the drugs like those that are used to prevent malaria are able to lighten the hair, while some of the epilepsy medications are able to darken it.
Blond children also tend to see the hair darken around the age of 7 or even 8. The mechanism that is used for this is not known and might not be related to hormones, as the darkening normally precedes puberty by number of years.
New parents normally find the first coat of baby’s hair is darker than they expected. It is not until the first hair is shed and then replaced, which is about the age of 8 to 12 months, that you will get a clear indication of the hair color.
Further references;
- Your first grey hair shocks. Your first grey pubic hair makes you feel close to death:
- Premature Greying:
- Here’s why your hair turns gray as you age:
- 10 Head-Scratching Facts About Gray Hair:
- What It Means if Your Pubes Are Going Gray:
- What Are the Common Causes of Gray Pubic Hair:
- What Causes Gray Pubic Hair: